


Mask DateTimePicker



Inline DateTimePicker

Button Trigger

TimePicker allows time

Destroy DateTimePicker

Set options runtime DateTimePicker

If select day is Saturday, the minimum set 11:00, otherwise 8:00


disable all weekend

Show inline


Full options list

Name defaultDescrEx.
lazyInit false Initializing plugin occurs only when the user interacts. Greatly accelerates plugin work with a large number of fields
value null Current value datetimepicker. If it is set, ignored input.value
lang en Language i18n
ar - Arabic
az - Azerbaijanian (Azeri)
bg - Bulgarian
bs - Bosanski
ca - Català
ch - Simplified Chinese
cs - Čeština
da - Dansk
de - German
el - Ελληνικά
en - English
en-GB - English (British)
es - Spanish
et - "Eesti"
eu - Euskara
fa - Persian
fi - Finnish (Suomi)
fr - French
gl - Galego
he - Hebrew (עברית)
hr - Hrvatski
hu - Hungarian
id - Indonesian
it - Italian
ja - Japanese
ko - Korean (한국어)
kr - Korean
lt - Lithuanian (lietuvių)
lv - Latvian (Latviešu)
mk - Macedonian (Македонски)
mn - Mongolian (Монгол)
nl - Dutch
no - Norwegian
pl - Polish
pt - Portuguese
pt-BR - Português(Brasil)
ro - Romanian
ru - Russian
se - Swedish
sk - Slovenčina
sl - Slovenščina
sq - Albanian (Shqip)
sr - Serbian Cyrillic (Српски)
sr-YU - Serbian (Srpski)
sv - Svenska
th - Thai
tr - Turkish
uk - Ukrainian
vi - Vietnamese
zh - Simplified Chinese (简体中文)
zh-TW - Traditional Chinese (繁體中文)
format Y/m/d H:i Format datetime. More Also there is a special type of «unixtime»
formatDate Y/m/d Format date for minDate and maxDate
formatTime H:i Similarly, formatDate . But for minTime and maxTime
step 60 Step time
closeOnDateSelect 0
closeOnWithoutClick true
{ closeOnWithoutClick :false}
validateOnBlur true Verify datetime value from input, when losing focus. If value is not valid datetime, then to value inserts the current datetime
{ validateOnBlur:false}
timepicker true
datepicker true
weeks false Show week number
theme 'default' Setting a color scheme. Now only supported default and dark theme
minDate false
{minDate:0} // today
    {minDate:'-1970/01/02'} // yesterday
maxDate false
    {maxDate:'+1970/01/02'} // tommorrow
startDate false calendar set date use starDate
    {startDate:new Date()}
    {startDate:'+1970/01/02'} // tommorrow
defaultDate false if input value is empty, calendar set date use defaultDate
    {defaultDate:new Date()}
    {defaultDate:'+1970/01/02'} // tommorrow
defaultTime false if input value is empty, timepicker set time use defaultTime
minTime false
{minTime:0,}// now
    {minTime:new Date()}
maxTime false
allowTimes []
mask false Use mask for input. true - automatically generates a mask on the field 'format', Digit from 0 to 9, set the highest possible digit for the value. For example: the first digit of hours can not be greater than 2, and the first digit of the minutes can not be greater than 5
// automatically generate a mask 9999/99/99 {mask:'29:59',format:'H:i'} // {mask:true,format:'H:i'}
//automatically generate a mask 99:99
opened false
yearOffset 0 Year offset for Buddhist era
inline false
todayButton true Show button "Go To Today"
defaultSelect true Highlight the current date even if the input is empty
allowBlank false Allow field to be empty even with the option validateOnBlur in true
timepickerScrollbar true
onSelectDate function(){}
onSelectTime function(current_time,$input){}
onChangeMonth function(current_time,$input){}
onChangeYear function(current_time,$input){}
onChangeDateTime function(current_time,$input){}
onShow function(current_time,$input){}
onClose function(current_time,$input){}
onGenerate function(current_time,$input){} trigger after construct calendar and timepicker
withoutCopyright true
inverseButton false
scrollMonth true
scrollTime true
scrollInput true
hours12 false
yearStart 1950 Start value for fast Year selector
yearEnd 2050 End value for fast Year selector
roundTime round Round time in timepicker, possible values: round, ceil, floor
dayOfWeekStart 0


weekends []
disabledDates []

Disbale all dates in list

{disabledDates: ['01.01.2014','02.01.2014',
'06.01.2014'], formatDate:'d.m.Y'}